Monday, August 31, 2009

Justice's First Day Of Kindergarten

So today was officially the first day of Kindergarten for Justice. She has been so excited and its finally here. She had the hardest time getting to bed too, she kept coming to my bedroom because she just could not sleep. Here is a picture of Justice before we left.The girls and I rode our bikes to school with Justice. We wanted to walk her in and make sure that she could find her classroom.
I asked Justice how the first day of school went and she said " Mrs hatch is very nice, I met some friends, colored a flag and an elephant, read a book at the library and the teacher showed us the computers." She loved school and cant wait to go back!!

Everyone warns you that the time goes by fast, and it does. Here is my cute little Justice about 4 months old. I cant believe how fast she is growing up!!

1 comment:

Nate Wendt said...

Yup, they sure do grow up fast. Just wait until she starts having crushes.